Tamlore is belongs to Barmer, district in the state of Rajasthan.
# | City/Area Name | District | State | Pincode |
1 | Bandasar | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
2 | Boothia | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
3 | Chandi Ka Par | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
4 | Gadra Road | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
5 | Jaisindh R.S. | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
6 | Jaisindhar | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
7 | Khaniyani | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
8 | Leelma | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
9 | Medusar | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
10 | Munabao | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
11 | Panchala | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
12 | Rohidi | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
13 | Shahdad Ka Par | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
14 | Sundra | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
15 | Tamlore | Barmer | Rajasthan | 344501 |
344501 pincode area have total 15 nos of post offices in this pincode, which is Barmer district of Rajasthan state (India).
Tamlore Pin Code : 344501
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