
Koilkuntla block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Koilkuntla
Block Code : 963
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Kurnool District

Nearest Village to Koilkuntla

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Pedda Kopperla 594494 Koilkuntla 947 Hectares 797 518134
2 Chinna Kopperla 594495 Koilkuntla 834 Hectares 994 518134
3 Vallampadu 594496 Koilkuntla 785 Hectares 846 518134
4 Lingala 594497 Koilkuntla 341 Hectares 958 518134
5 Revanur 594498 Koilkuntla 1454 Hectares 2316 518134
6 Mogalai Uppalur 594499 Koilkuntla 289 Hectares 249 518134
7 Kalugotla 594500 Koilkuntla 1269 Hectares 3209 518134
8 Joladarasi 594501 Koilkuntla 1774 Hectares 1375 518134
9 Velagatur 594502 Koilkuntla 446 Hectares 760 518134
10 Bijinavemula 594503 Koilkuntla 1513 Hectares 1844 518134
11 Amadala 594504 Koilkuntla 911 Hectares 1668 518134
12 Soulderdinne 594505 Koilkuntla 1085 Hectares 1542 518134
13 Chintakunta 594506 Koilkuntla 1014 Hectares -
14 Koilkuntla 594507 Koilkuntla 2097 Hectares 23859 518134
15 Gulladurthi 594508 Koilkuntla 2241 Hectares 3528 518134
16 Pottipadu 594509 Koilkuntla 1189 Hectares 740 518134
17 Bheemunipadu 594510 Koilkuntla 1492 Hectares 2311 518134
18 Kampamalla 594511 Koilkuntla 796 Hectares 1563 518134