
Ghattu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Ghattu
Block Code : 281
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Mahabubnagar District

Nearest Village to Ghattu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Naudinne 576258 Ghattu 730 Hectares 3369
2 Easarlapad 576259 Ghattu 392 Hectares 47
3 Kaloor Timmanadoddi 576260 Ghattu 1592 Hectares 2140
4 Thummalacheruvu 576261 Ghattu 1138 Hectares 2611
5 Aloor 576262 Ghattu 1749 Hectares 5046
6 Kuchinerla 576263 Ghattu 4087 Hectares 7245
7 Chintalakunta 576264 Ghattu 1662 Hectares 3002
8 Rayapuram 576265 Ghattu 1720 Hectares 2146
9 Penchikapadu 576266 Ghattu 1772 Hectares 2385
10 Aragidda 576267 Ghattu 1247 Hectares 3883
11 Thappetlamorsu 576268 Ghattu 1354 Hectares 2308
12 Gorlakhandoddi 576269 Ghattu 787 Hectares 3313
13 Ghattu 576270 Ghattu 2381 Hectares 6658
14 Yellamdoddi 576271 Ghattu 575 Hectares 1225
15 Apkondanhalli 576272 Ghattu 223 Hectares -
16 Macherla 576273 Ghattu 1382 Hectares 4157
17 Muslimpalle 576274 Ghattu 694 Hectares -
18 Balgera 576275 Ghattu 1570 Hectares 3773
19 Chamankhandoddi 576276 Ghattu 433 Hectares 618
20 Mallampalle 576277 Ghattu 271 Hectares 333
21 Induvasi 576278 Ghattu 2835 Hectares 4586
22 Boyalagudem 576279 Ghattu 2274 Hectares 4804
23 Chagadona 576280 Ghattu 2264 Hectares 5059
24 Mittadoddi 576281 Ghattu 1147 Hectares 4269