
Gurrampode block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Gurrampode
Block Code : 333
District : Nalgonda
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nalgonda District

Nearest Village to Gurrampode

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Pochampalle 577332 Gurrampode 968 Hectares 1887 508256
2 Mulkala Palle 577333 Gurrampode 485 Hectares 469 508256
3 Kondapur 577334 Gurrampode 147 Hectares 101 508256
4 Chamled 577335 Gurrampode 1605 Hectares 3396 508256
5 Vattikode 577336 Gurrampode 1502 Hectares 2137 508255
6 Koppole 577337 Gurrampode 4688 Hectares 5658 508256
7 Nadikuda 577338 Gurrampode 1232 Hectares 1853 508256
8 Bollaram (P) Koppole 577339 Gurrampode 462 Hectares 1050 508256
9 Amlur 577340 Gurrampode 596 Hectares 771 508256
10 Gurram Pode 577341 Gurrampode 1154 Hectares 3061 508256
11 Tenepalle 577342 Gurrampode 1010 Hectares 2457 508256
12 Ootlapalle 577343 Gurrampode 1249 Hectares 880 508256
13 Sulthanpur 577344 Gurrampode 1172 Hectares 1020 508257
14 Chinthagudam 577345 Gurrampode 375 Hectares 336 508257
15 Shagazipur 577346 Gurrampode 202 Hectares 770 508257
16 Kalwapalle 577347 Gurrampode 769 Hectares 1039 508257
17 Palwai 577348 Gurrampode 2882 Hectares 3132 508257
18 Parla Palle 577349 Gurrampode 260 Hectares 203 508256
19 Makka Palle 577350 Gurrampode 898 Hectares 1082 508256
20 Mailapur 577351 Gurrampode 403 Hectares 750 508256
21 Junuthla 577352 Gurrampode 1167 Hectares 2022 508256
22 Thanedar Palle 577353 Gurrampode 1244 Hectares 2155 508256
23 Kacharam (P) Koppole 577354 Gurrampode 233 Hectares 744 508256
24 Palle Pahad 577355 Gurrampode 618 Hectares 399 508256
25 Chepur 577356 Gurrampode 3958 Hectares 3918 508256
26 Kothlapur 577357 Gurrampode 508 Hectares 542 508256
27 Mosangi 577358 Gurrampode 949 Hectares 1448 508256