Kethe Palle

Kethe Palle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Kethe Palle
Block Code : 313
District : Nalgonda
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nalgonda District

Nearest Village to Kethe Palle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ippala Gudem 576932 Kethe Palle 698 Hectares 888
2 Gudiwada 576933 Kethe Palle 915 Hectares 3558
3 Bopparam 576934 Kethe Palle 857 Hectares 1600
4 Kasangode 576935 Kethe Palle 499 Hectares 2026
5 Kethepalle 576936 Kethe Palle 2561 Hectares 8193
6 Korla Pahad 576937 Kethe Palle 905 Hectares 1986
7 Inpamula 576938 Kethe Palle 1371 Hectares 3484
8 Bonda Palem 576939 Kethe Palle 940 Hectares 2059
9 Cheruku Palle 576940 Kethe Palle 1924 Hectares 3087
10 Thungathurthy 576941 Kethe Palle 1492 Hectares 2828
11 Uppala Pahad 576942 Kethe Palle 761 Hectares 1241
12 Koppole 576943 Kethe Palle 581 Hectares 2947
13 Bheemavaram 576944 Kethe Palle 1361 Hectares 3636