
Mothey block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Mothey
Block Code : 316
District : Nalgonda
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nalgonda District

Nearest Village to Mothey

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ravi Pahad 576978 Mothey 1253 Hectares 3870 508212
2 Sarvaram 576979 Mothey 821 Hectares 1634 508212
3 Kudali 576980 Mothey 437 Hectares 1450 508213
4 Urlugunda 576981 Mothey 1677 Hectares 6196 508212
5 Neredavai 576982 Mothey 487 Hectares 1990 508212
6 Annarigudem 576983 Mothey 793 Hectares 1619 508212
7 Vibhalapur 576984 Mothey 1468 Hectares 4082 508212
8 Singarneni Palle 576985 Mothey 176 Hectares -
9 Burkacharla 576986 Mothey 1255 Hectares 3138 508212
10 Sirikonda 576987 Mothey 3008 Hectares 6642 508212
11 Namavaram 576988 Mothey 2241 Hectares 2786 508213
12 Raghavapur 576989 Mothey 887 Hectares 2383 508212
13 Mothey 576990 Mothey 948 Hectares 2241 508212
14 Hussainabad 576991 Mothey 1093 Hectares 2404 508212
15 Gopalapuram 576992 Mothey 187 Hectares -
16 Thummala Palle 576993 Mothey 504 Hectares 1495 508212
17 Mamillagudem 576994 Mothey 898 Hectares 2202 508212