
Chevella block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Chevella
Block Code : 205
District : Rangareddy
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Rangareddy District

Nearest Village to Chevella

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Hasthepur 574277 Chevella 395 Hectares 547 501503
2 Nowlaipalle 574278 Chevella 44 Hectares 211 501503
3 Anantawaram 574279 Chevella 733 Hectares 1546 501503
4 Aloor I 574280 Chevella 1348 Hectares 1681 501503
5 Aloor II 574281 Chevella 779 Hectares 2302 501503
6 Aloor III 574282 Chevella 815 Hectares 1817 501503
7 Kowkuntla 574283 Chevella 1080 Hectares 2224 501503
8 Tangedapalle 574284 Chevella 1184 Hectares 2555 501503
9 Tallaram 574285 Chevella 457 Hectares 950 501503
10 Nyalata 574286 Chevella 1271 Hectares 2413 501503
11 Orella 574287 Chevella 974 Hectares 2591 501503
12 Yenkepalle 574288 Chevella 487 Hectares 1001 501503
13 Dearlapalle 574289 Chevella 412 Hectares 705 501503
14 Kammeta 574290 Chevella 1074 Hectares 2582 501503
15 Gollapalle 574291 Chevella 658 Hectares 957 501503
16 Ravulapalle (Khurd) 574292 Chevella 61 Hectares 954 501503
17 Mudimyal 574293 Chevella 1663 Hectares 1458 501503
18 Kummera 574294 Chevella 567 Hectares 935 501503
19 Devuni Erravelly 574295 Chevella 656 Hectares 1570 501503
20 Ibrahimpalle 574296 Chevella 384 Hectares 1039 501503
21 Damergidda 574297 Chevella 963 Hectares 1575 501503
22 Bastepur 574298 Chevella 438 Hectares 855 501503
23 Mirjaguda 574299 Chevella 111 Hectares 963 501503
24 Kistapur 574300 Chevella 284 Hectares 234 501503
25 Naincheru 574301 Chevella 2015 Hectares 620 501503
26 Khanapur 574302 Chevella 768 Hectares 1212 501503
27 Regadghanapur 574303 Chevella 1194 Hectares 1427 501503
28 Devarampalle 574304 Chevella 381 Hectares 839 501503
29 Chanvelli 574305 Chevella 842 Hectares 1798 501503
30 Pamena 574306 Chevella 906 Hectares 1478 501503
31 Allawada 574307 Chevella 549 Hectares 1381 501503
32 Chevella 574308 Chevella 1205 Hectares 7031 501503
33 Kesavaram 574309 Chevella 443 Hectares 894 501503
34 Malkapur 574310 Chevella 656 Hectares 1927 501503
35 Kanduwada 574311 Chevella 2095 Hectares 3758 501503
36 Gundal 574312 Chevella 728 Hectares 2136 501503