
Ghatkesar block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Ghatkesar
Block Code : 200
District : Rangareddy
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Rangareddy District

Nearest Village to Ghatkesar

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Pocharam 574153 Ghatkesar 700 Hectares 3903 501301
2 Ismailkhanguda 574154 Ghatkesar 153 Hectares 1134 501301
3 Padamatisaiguda 574155 Ghatkesar 136 Hectares 162 501301
4 Yamnampet 574156 Ghatkesar 388 Hectares 1568 501301
5 Annojiguda 574157 Ghatkesar 300 Hectares 10896 500088
6 Majarguda 574158 Ghatkesar 33 Hectares -
7 Gulam Aliguda 574159 Ghatkesar 63 Hectares 13 500088
8 Kachwanisingaram 574160 Ghatkesar 402 Hectares 2832 500088
9 Muthawalliguda 574161 Ghatkesar 112 Hectares 648 500088
10 Prathapsingaram 574162 Ghatkesar 487 Hectares 2024 500088
11 Korremul 574163 Ghatkesar 1327 Hectares 9922 500088
12 Badesahebguda 574164 Ghatkesar 6 Hectares -
13 Kondapur 574165 Ghatkesar 863 Hectares 2894 501301
14 Aushapur 574166 Ghatkesar 919 Hectares 3266 501301
15 Ankushapur 574167 Ghatkesar 845 Hectares 2445 501301
16 Madharam 574168 Ghatkesar 869 Hectares 397 501301
17 Edulabad 574169 Ghatkesar 1580 Hectares 8413 501301