
Hayathnagar block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Hayathnagar
Block Code : 201
District : Rangareddy
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Rangareddy District

Nearest Village to Hayathnagar

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Marripalle 574178 Hayathnagar 581 Hectares 822 501505
2 Qutubullapur 574179 Hayathnagar 703 Hectares 2218 501505
3 Thimmaiguda 574180 Hayathnagar 153 Hectares 398 501505
4 Gowrelli 574181 Hayathnagar 287 Hectares 2242 501505
5 Bacharam 574182 Hayathnagar 744 Hectares 1611 501505
6 Daira 574183 Hayathnagar 34 Hectares -
7 Bandaraviryal 574184 Hayathnagar 739 Hectares 3416 501505
8 Akbarja 574185 Hayathnagar 5 Hectares -
9 Tharamathipet 574186 Hayathnagar 1160 Hectares 3984 501505
10 Baljaguda 574187 Hayathnagar 236 Hectares 681 501505
11 Pochampalle Wada 574188 Hayathnagar 5 Hectares -
12 Pasmamla 574189 Hayathnagar 1155 Hectares 3703 501505
13 Koheda 574190 Hayathnagar 3699 Hectares 9285 501511
14 Anajpur 574191 Hayathnagar 1218 Hectares 4753 501512
15 Guntapalle 574192 Hayathnagar 253 Hectares 877 501512
16 Surmaiguda 574193 Hayathnagar 427 Hectares 434 501511
17 Laskerguda 574194 Hayathnagar 285 Hectares 1361 501511
18 Inamguda 574195 Hayathnagar 110 Hectares 906 501511
19 Abdullapur 574196 Hayathnagar 680 Hectares 5226 501505
20 Kawadipalle 574197 Hayathnagar 1032 Hectares 1789 501505
21 Batasingaram 574198 Hayathnagar 1087 Hectares 4898 501512
22 Piglipur 574199 Hayathnagar 648 Hectares 735 501512
23 Sagarpump 574200 Hayathnagar 39 Hectares -
24 Mazidpur 574201 Hayathnagar 1155 Hectares 2262 501512