
Medchal block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Medchal
Block Code : 197
District : Rangareddy
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Rangareddy District

Nearest Village to Medchal

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Velgalkunta 574080 Medchal 73 Hectares -
2 Srirangavaram 574081 Medchal 1590 Hectares 3241 501401
3 Bandakunta 574082 Medchal 135 Hectares -
4 Bandamadharam 574083 Medchal 425 Hectares 1338 501401
5 Nuthankal 574084 Medchal 853 Hectares 1867 501401
6 Maisireddipalle 574085 Medchal 251 Hectares 450 501401
7 Konaipalle 574086 Medchal 175 Hectares 406 501401
8 Yellampet 574087 Medchal 556 Hectares 2422 501401
9 Somaram 574088 Medchal 140 Hectares 790 501401
10 Ravalkole 574089 Medchal 2131 Hectares 4723 501401
11 Yadaram 574090 Medchal 979 Hectares 1226 501401
12 Muraharipalle 574091 Medchal 250 Hectares 314 501401
13 Akbarjapet 574092 Medchal 67 Hectares 323 501401
14 Shahazadiguda 574093 Medchal 198 Hectares 668 501401
15 Atevelle 574094 Medchal 830 Hectares 3535 501401
16 Dabirpur 574095 Medchal 1134 Hectares 5398 501401
17 Girmapur 574096 Medchal 729 Hectares 2098 501401
18 Railapur 574097 Medchal 461 Hectares 1346 501401
19 Goudavelle 574098 Medchal 1261 Hectares 4651 501403
20 Gundlapochampalle 574099 Medchal 1334 Hectares 9009 501401
21 Kaziguda 574100 Medchal 33 Hectares -
22 Kandlakoi 574101 Medchal 664 Hectares 2802 501401
23 Seethariguda 574102 Medchal 37 Hectares 1127 501401
24 Munirabad 574103 Medchal 325 Hectares 1790 501401
25 Pudoor 574104 Medchal 1354 Hectares 4072 501401
26 Raj Bollaram 574105 Medchal 166 Hectares 2186 501401
27 Ghanpur 574106 Medchal 487 Hectares 1703 501401
28 Gosaiguda 574107 Medchal 100 Hectares 329 501401