
Pusapatirega block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Pusapatirega
Block Code : 513
District : Vizianagaram
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Vizianagaram District

Nearest Village to Pusapatirega

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Chinabattivalasa 583165 Pusapatirega 507 Hectares 631 535204
2 Pedabattivalasa 583166 Pusapatirega 395 Hectares 332 535204
3 Kanimella 583167 Pusapatirega 230 Hectares 1313 535204
4 Kamavaram 583168 Pusapatirega 143 Hectares 875 535204
5 Alladapalem 583169 Pusapatirega 308 Hectares 1125 535204
6 Kandivalasa 583170 Pusapatirega 590 Hectares 1731 535204
7 Kanimetta 583171 Pusapatirega 230 Hectares 1600 535204
8 Gaitula Chodavaram 583172 Pusapatirega 1089 Hectares 464 535204
9 Lova Jagannadha Puram 583173 Pusapatirega 272 Hectares -
10 Kumili 583174 Pusapatirega 1577 Hectares 5481 535204
11 Borravanipalem 583175 Pusapatirega 136 Hectares 305 535204
12 Rellivalasa 583176 Pusapatirega 848 Hectares 7599 535204
13 Pusapatipalem 583177 Pusapatirega 122 Hectares 684 535204
14 Pusapatirega 583178 Pusapatirega 764 Hectares 5683 535204
15 Poram 583179 Pusapatirega 125 Hectares 717 535204
16 Chodamma Agraharam 583180 Pusapatirega 180 Hectares 2313 535204
17 Perapuram 583181 Pusapatirega 253 Hectares 2191 535204
18 Kopperla 583182 Pusapatirega 389 Hectares 2483 535204
19 Nadipalle 583183 Pusapatirega 276 Hectares 771 535204
20 Yerukonda 583184 Pusapatirega 306 Hectares 1473 535213
21 Konada 583185 Pusapatirega 1575 Hectares 8071 535213
22 Pasupam 583186 Pusapatirega 229 Hectares 1344 535213
23 Palanki 583187 Pusapatirega 147 Hectares 309 535213
24 Vempadam 583188 Pusapatirega 850 Hectares 3566 535213
25 Kovvada Agraharam 583189 Pusapatirega 447 Hectares 1932 535213
26 Gumpam 583190 Pusapatirega 244 Hectares 1420 535213
27 Kollayavalasa 583191 Pusapatirega 421 Hectares 1549 535213
28 Thottadam 583192 Pusapatirega 202 Hectares 913 535213
29 Govindapuram 583193 Pusapatirega 517 Hectares 1591 535213
30 Lankalapallipalem 583194 Pusapatirega 201 Hectares 1013 535213
31 Chowduvada 583195 Pusapatirega 592 Hectares 326 535213
32 Bharanikam 583196 Pusapatirega 316 Hectares 557 535213
33 Pathivada 583197 Pusapatirega 780 Hectares 4109 535213
34 Roluchappidi 583198 Pusapatirega 81 Hectares 641 535213
35 Krishnapuram 583199 Pusapatirega 114 Hectares 587 535213
36 Konayyapalem 583200 Pusapatirega 195 Hectares 539 535213
37 Chintapalle 583201 Pusapatirega 501 Hectares 5717 535213