
Mebo block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Mebo
Block Code : 51
District : East Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in East Siang District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Mebo

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Bodak 263909 Mebo 1150 Hectares 163
2 Ayeng 263910 Mebo - 1187
3 Ranaghat 263911 Mebo - 102
4 Mebo Village 263912 Mebo - 1547
5 Mebo H.Q. 263913 Mebo - 1587
6 Silluk 263914 Mebo - 859
7 Aohali 263915 Mebo - 216
8 Motum Vill. 263916 Mebo - 714
9 Ralling 263917 Mebo 109 Hectares 241
10 Sigar 263918 Mebo 2110 Hectares 399
11 Ngopok 263919 Mebo - 1589
12 Kiyit 263920 Mebo - 1237
13 Borguli 263921 Mebo 80 Hectares 664 791104
14 New Borguli 263922 Mebo - 239
15 Seram 263923 Mebo - 829
16 Kongkul 263924 Mebo 84 Hectares 187
17 Namsing 263925 Mebo 110224 Hectares 1589
18 Gadum 263926 Mebo 170.5 Hectares 349
19 Mer 263927 Mebo 2450 Hectares 776