
Dhone block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Dhone
Block Code : 956
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Kurnool District

Nearest Village to Dhone

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Yapadinne 594395 Dhone 2988 Hectares 1604 518222
2 Eddupenta 594396 Dhone 3327 Hectares 4639 518222
3 Chanugondla 594397 Dhone 3442 Hectares 3258 518222
4 Shotrium Gundala 594398 Dhone 636 Hectares 716 518222
5 Kotha Buruju 594399 Dhone 1683 Hectares 2152 518222
6 Kothakota 594400 Dhone 2491 Hectares 2524 518222
7 Devarabanda 594401 Dhone 2658 Hectares 3399 518222
8 Kocheruvu 594402 Dhone 2903 Hectares 6118 518222
9 Ungaranigundla 594403 Dhone 4942 Hectares 4778 518222
10 Dhone (R) @ Dronachalam 594404 Dhone 4790 Hectares 10971 518222
11 Venkatapuram 594405 Dhone 3378 Hectares 5917 518222
12 Jagadurthi 594406 Dhone 1669 Hectares 1262 518222
13 Udumulapadu 594407 Dhone 1328 Hectares 2241 518222
14 Kamaganikuntla 594408 Dhone 1935 Hectares 3287 518222
15 Shotrium Valasala 594409 Dhone 449 Hectares 1084 518222
16 Malkapuram 594410 Dhone 2869 Hectares 7010 518222