
Gospadu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Gospadu
Block Code : 954
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Kurnool District

Nearest Village to Gospadu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Pasurapadu 594341 Gospadu 671 Hectares 2233 518593
2 Julepalle 594342 Gospadu 421 Hectares 2395 518593
3 M.Chintakunta 594343 Gospadu 855 Hectares 1371 518593
4 S.Nagulavaram 594344 Gospadu 399 Hectares 2250 518593
5 Sambavaram 594345 Gospadu 546 Hectares 2813 518502
6 Deebaguntla 594346 Gospadu 1098 Hectares 4610 518502
7 Kanalapalle 594347 Gospadu 570 Hectares 2311 518502
8 Jillela 594348 Gospadu 1767 Hectares 5090 518502
9 Gospadu 594349 Gospadu 1368 Hectares 4496 518502
10 Tellapuri 594350 Gospadu 1011 Hectares 827 518502
11 Rayapadu 594351 Gospadu 361 Hectares 665 518502
12 S.Kuluru 594352 Gospadu 250 Hectares 561 518502
13 Vantivelagala 594353 Gospadu 738 Hectares 992 518502
14 M.Krishnapuram 594354 Gospadu 733 Hectares 1954 518502
15 Yalluru 594355 Gospadu 2618 Hectares 8498 518502