
Mothkur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Mothkur
Block Code : 301
District : Nalgonda
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nalgonda District

Nearest Village to Mothkur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mothkur 576679 Mothkur 3418 Hectares 12616 508277
2 Konda Gadapa 576680 Mothkur 1000 Hectares 2024 508277
3 Sadarshapur 576681 Mothkur 859 Hectares 870 508277
4 Chinnapadishala 576682 Mothkur 733 Hectares 1110 508277
5 Janakipur 576683 Mothkur 820 Hectares 1483 508277
6 Chirra Gudur 576684 Mothkur 508 Hectares 1339 508277
7 Kotamarthi 576685 Mothkur 1766 Hectares 2460 508277
8 Choulla Ramaram 576686 Mothkur 976 Hectares 1723 508277
9 Adda Gudur 576687 Mothkur 2640 Hectares 5611 508277
10 Kanchan Palle 576688 Mothkur 1085 Hectares 1700 508277
11 Patimatla 576689 Mothkur 775 Hectares 1235 508277
12 Bijilapur 576690 Mothkur 1074 Hectares 1284 508277
13 Musitpatla 576691 Mothkur 955 Hectares 994 508277
14 Panaka Banda 576692 Mothkur 824 Hectares 1228 508277
15 Paladugu 576693 Mothkur 1299 Hectares 1963 508277
16 Dattappaguda 576694 Mothkur 1102 Hectares 2229 508277
17 Podichedu 576695 Mothkur 1554 Hectares 2096 508277
18 Anajipur 576696 Mothkur 424 Hectares 1116 508277
19 Dacharam 576697 Mothkur 1252 Hectares 2190 508277
20 Repaka (P) 576698 Mothkur 1463 Hectares 2229 508277
21 Veldevi 576699 Mothkur 1301 Hectares 2929 508277
22 Singaram (P) 576700 Mothkur 2286 Hectares 4030 508277
23 Dharmaram 576701 Mothkur 578 Hectares 1235 508277