Pedda Parvathapur is belongs to Nalgonda, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Village | : | Pedda Parvathapur |
Village code | : | 576467 |
Block Name | : | Bommalaramaram (0289) |
Area | : | 899 |
Gram Panchayat | : | PEDDA PARVATHAPUR () |
District | : | Nalgonda |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
District Head Quarter | : | NALGONDA |
District Head Quarter distance | : | 109 Kms |
Nearest Statutory Town | : | BHONGIR |
Nearest Statutory Town Distance | : | 28 Kms |
Population | : | 1033 |
Households | : | 220 |
Male | : | 527 |
Female | : | 506 |
Govt Primary School | : | 2 |
Private Primary School | : | NA |
Primary Health Centre | : | NA |
Pincode | : | 508126 |
Power Supply | : | Available |
Post Office | : | NA |
Telephone (Landlines) | : | Available |
Mobile Phone Coverage | : | Available |
Public Bus Service | : | Available |
Railway Station | : | NA |
Sea/River/Ferry service | : | NA |
National Highway | : | NA |
ATM | : | NA |
Commercial Bank | : | NA |
Asha | : | NA |
Agricultural Commodities | : | |
Forest Area | : | 512 Hectares |
# | Village | Village Code | Panchayat Name | Area | Population |
1 | Bandakindi Palle | 576456 | BANDAKINDI PALLE | 86 Hectares | 383 |
2 | Thumkunta | 576457 | THUMKUNTA | 483 Hectares | 1166 |
3 | Jalalpur | 576458 | JALALPUR | 601 Hectares | 1690 |
4 | Pyararam | 576459 | PYARARAM | 704 Hectares | 1496 |
5 | Malyala | 576463 | MALYALA | 637 Hectares | 1209 |
6 | Ranga Puram | 576465 | RANGA PURAM | 338 Hectares | 704 |
7 | Ramlingam Palle | 576466 | RAMLINGAM PALLE | 606 Hectares | 1383 |
8 | Pedda Parvathapur | 576467 | PEDDA PARVATHAPUR | 899 Hectares | 1033 |
9 | Bommalaramaram | 576468 | BOMMALARAMARAM | 1170 Hectares | 3080 |
10 | Tirumalagiri | 576469 | TIRUMALAGIRI | 487 Hectares | 752 |
11 | Nagineni Palle | 576470 | NAGINENI PALLE | 812 Hectares | 1922 |
12 | Maisi Reddy Palle | 576471 | BOMMALARAMARAM | 439 Hectares | 519 |
13 | Hazipur | 576472 | HAZIPUR | 463 Hectares | 1118 |
14 | Mailaram | 576473 | MAILARAM | 848 Hectares | 1601 |
15 | Rayarao Pet | 576777 | RAYARAO PET | 304 Hectares | 1366 |
16 | Jameelapet | 576778 | JAMEELAPET | 321 Hectares | 1340 |
17 | Jiya Palle | 576779 | JIYA PALLE | 526 Hectares | 1248 |
18 | Mahadevpur | 576780 | BIBINAGAR | 291 Hectares | 350 |
19 | Kondamadugu | 576781 | KONDAMADUGU | 1861 Hectares | 4746 |
20 | Jain Palle | 576782 | JAIN PALLE | 936 Hectares | 1421 |
21 | Gudur | 576783 | GUDUR | 1253 Hectares | 2751 |
22 | Bagdayara | 576785 | BIBINAGAR | 8 Hectares | 273 |
23 | Nemarugomula | 576786 | NEMARUGOMULA | 955 Hectares | 1711 |
24 | Padamati Somaram | 576787 | PADAMATI SOMARAM | 736 Hectares | 1449 |
25 | Venkiryal | 576788 | VENKIRYAL | 857 Hectares | 4278 |
26 | Anantharam | 576789 | ANANTHARAM | 391 Hectares | 1325 |
27 | Rudra Velly | 576790 | RUDRA VELLY | 368 Hectares | 1085 |
28 | Raghavapur | 576791 | RAGHAVAPUR | 942 Hectares | 2205 |
29 | Raheem Khan Guda | 576792 | RAHEEM KHAN GUDA | 181 Hectares | 764 |
30 | Brahmana Palle | 576793 | BRAHMANA PALLE | 777 Hectares | 2319 |
31 | Annampatla | 576794 | ANNAMPATLA | 393 Hectares | 909 |
32 | Gurrala Dandi | 576798 | GURRALA DANDI | 891 Hectares | 1837 |
33 | Pedda Ravula Palle | 576806 | PEDDA RAVULA PALLE | 1166 Hectares | 1947 |
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